Are you getting tired of all those slim and fit people always saying how easy it is to lose weight? Don’t you just want to find a cool running tool that can help you lose weight, without having to resort to seeking out your friends’ self-centered advice? Well you’re in luck, because there is a brand new running app out there that can help. This free Android app will help you keep track of your day to day running routine, making it easier to start running, or step up your current running plan.

The app’s name is Learn to Run. It is a free running app that has three programs at its disposal. The three programs for its users to choose from, including: easy, basic and advanced. It has some of the coolest color combinations ever seen on a sports-related app. The interface design is simple and minimalistic, with every function being fully intuitive and easy to understand. You can also listen to music and time running sessions with the app’s own music player and timer.

Thanks to this great running tool, you too can Learn to Run in a much more productive way. As we said, the Learn to Run app is free to download, and you can find and download the app from Google Play.

Google Play Download Link: Learn to Run

Originally posted on CoolTechInfo.