Buying and selling used stuff is great: It’s truly “green,” as items get a second lease on life and some new love; buyers often get bargains, and sellers get to free themselves of something they didn’t really need anymore (plus, money!). Of course, yard sales and classifieds predate the Internet by many, many years, but once you bring the Web in, they go on overdrive (just like dating and “friending”).

If you want to sell things you don’t use or buy things you don’t own, we have the perfect solution for you – a new local buying and selling experience, a new iOS app called Cyrcle. We concluded that this is one of the most useful apps out there and we can freely say thank you to the founders over at Cyrcle, Inc. They did a great job in making it easy to use and presenting it with a nice design.

When you look at the features of Cyrcle you can see how convenient, reliable, and spam-free it is. Listing something within the app takes only a few minutes. You can easily list something, for one or more locations, like your work or home address. Also, you can list for one or more communities, like some group you belong to, which means you will have the opportunity to interact with people that you already know. When you find something you like with the help of the search bar or when someone likes what you’re selling, both of you can simply discuss purchasing details through the in-app messaging.

Although they are available only on certain locations, the developers are further expanding pickups, deliveries, payments and concierge services. They are developing the app for the Android platform as well, but you can get it now for free from the App Store – just click the link below.

App Store Download Link: Cyrcle

Website: Cyrcle

Originally posted on Hightechholic.