There are hundreds, if not more, of apps available for people who are suffering with Alzheimer's, and for their caregivers. Some can help patients retain memories better, some of them are being used to track and detect the progression of the disease, and some are cognitive training tools while other is to prevent the Alzheimer. The Alzheimer apps for care givers can help explain the condition and tell loved ones what they might expect, help keep track of medications, and more. Here in this review will tell you about an Alzheimer’s prevention app, BrainSoar.

Unique and extremely helpful

BrainSoar is not your ordinary Alzheimer’s or Dementia app it always give you the satisfied results. The app helps you exercise your brain and to boost your mental health. For this purpose, there are two sessions introduced in the app, one of them is about simple arithmetic calculations and the other session is about taking a number keep subtracting it with the defined number so that the answer comes to be zero.

You can use this app anytime and anywhere; it is best to be use while you are on the run or any other physical exercise. BrainSoar also runs in background mode so if you want to do anything else on your phone you can still practice these sessions.

Why it is so effective!

The session in the app are narrated through a computerized voice and in both session for each problem that you have to answer, there is a defined time interval so don’t worry about the answers. You can also set the speed for these narrations according to you hearing power and the time interval between the narrated problem and your answer is adjustable, which can be change from the screen. Addition of this beautiful app to your mobile gadgets is worth.

Download it today for your iOS, it available for purchase with only $1.99, which is not precious than a healthy mind.

App Store Download Link: BrainSoar: Prevent Alzheimer's disease - Dual Task Training