are maybe to most important part in the life of every human being. From as
early as one-year old babies our brain starts to document and archive the
things that happen to us, the things we feel, we see, we hear, we touch - into
our brain archives. But as much as we like to think of our brain as an
all-powerful machine, it clearly isn’t. Memories start to fade after some time.
If not all together fade away, they jumble and merge together as our brain
tries to make space for new ones. So, we, as always, kept finding ways to
preserve memories, to make sure that at later times we can remember and
reminisce about things long gone from our past. Photographs, diaries, fun
memorabilia all put together and collected into memory boxes are what most
people tend to do. But physical objects often end up misplaced, lost or
destroyed. Therefore, a digital memory box can really be the thing we all
What is Imbue?
is an app that can quickly and easily turn your cherished family items into
time capsules. It’s a kind of a digital memory box, in which you can long-term
store all your digital memories. You can store your voice, the voice of your
child, a loved one, parent or grandparent – all captured and neatly preserved
at one place. This app has been developed and designed to be one’s permanent
digital memory box. With the Imbue up we can the stories, the feelings etc.
related to any item be it our grandparent old sketchbook, our child’s first
teddy bear, our mom’s wedding jewelry, photos from an old family gathering,
artworks, collectibles, family heirlooms, antiques, documents and letter, and
literally anything we can think of.
The Imbue App Features
app comes with some great features. Imbue uses a way of machine learning, so
the app interprets and identifies your items, helping you categorize them. You
can record stories, which means you can imbue items with audio and video notes
and memos. It’s a great way to preserve you family memories and to ensure
you’ll never forget or lose them, at least in their digital form. Another great
feature of the app is the Pay Forward storage. This feature enables the app to
be used as a kind of a time capsule, to ensure preservation of special memories
for a generation. It can store your memorabilia for up to 25 years. And the
best thing, you can share all your Imbue memories and stories with your close
friends, family and loved ones.
will you Imbue? Find and download the Imbue app for free at the App Store.
App Store Download Link: Imbue app