Period tracker and predictor apps are a great tool for any women. Why? They can exactly predict when you will get your period, when you are ovulating and will enable you to enter various health conditions in order to follow and improve your health.

One of the very best period app trackers on the App Store is definitely Period Plus. Not only that it is one of the most downloaded most downloaded apps in the Health & Fitness category and one of the most downloaded period trackers on the App Store, Period Plus is one of the best rated and critically acclaimed.
On the very base description of the app we could say that it offers great features, simple UI and functionality. It is now wonder how this app is adored by more than 1.5 million women around the world and it is rated by more than 11.5k App Store users.
Period Plus enables several exceptionally useful features. First, as one of the basic features it enables you to track your period, but also you can track anything related to your body in any day. In that way you will see your progress and improve your health and know when exactly you will get your period. When you read the reviews on the App Store, it is easy to see that users liked it, some say that it is the most precise period prediction they’ve ever used.
On top of that you can add different conditions like: Cramp intensity, Basal Body Temperature, Breakouts, Breast tenderness, Cervical mucus quality, Cycle day, Intimacy, Period duration and intensity and up to five additional customizable items. Your data is safely stored on iCloud and accessible from anywhere. The app is free and available on the App Store.
App Store Download Link: Period Plus

Originally written by Sam Jackson for Real Tech Today