Accomplysh is an iOS and Android app that represents a great way for students to collaborate on courses, interact, share notes and knowledge, but also offers a marketplace page to sell and buy textbooks from schoolmates quickly and conveniently. It is one of the smoothest and fastest and most intuitive apps you will ever use.

Collaborate on courses

You need to select your school, major and add your courses to make use of all features that Accompysh offers. The built-in search engine can help you find your courses fast and already prepopulated with course’s days, times and instructor’s name.

The app is great because after that you can discover who your classmates are in each course and which students are in the same field as you are.  You can chat with any of them on various topics and collaborate on assignments. Even if you miss a class, you can get help and get back on track really fast.

Check notes, buy & sell textbooks

Want to see other notes from previous years? You can do that as well. There is an organized class-notes system and you can access to notes uploaded by students from previous semesters.

The app can also help you acquire or sell textbooks from the app’s Marketplace. In that way the app tries to enroll everything you may need in order to enhance and improve your life as a student. Get the app for free on both Google Play and App Store.

App Store Download Link: Accomplysh

Google Play Download Link: Accomplysh

Originally published on Cooltechinfo