If you are tired of constantly searching through your contact list in order to send an email or dealing with complicated things with your email, we have the coolest solution for you. We present to you Quick Email, an iOS app developed by Godai Group. This utility will help you to send email in a faster and easier way, like you’ve never experienced before!
Quick Email is an easy to use app that allows you to send email with previously created templates. You can write your templates and forget about repeating the process of typing in the subjects of your email. You can also send anything you want without searching through your address book to find your common contacts. Whenever you want to save something for later viewing, such as notes, links, to do lists, etc. you will be able to send an email to yourself. Use the app for sending links, notes, messages, and tasks without even opening another email app. The app supports Yahoo. Google Gmail, Hotmail, Ymail and other services with built-in SMTP client.
Stop entering the same fields over and over again and use this incredible productivity app for much easier email sending. Download Quick Email for only $1.99 from the App Store.
App Store Download Link: Quick Email
Originally posted on Tehnico.