Using your smartphone or tablet to learn from just makes sense. It’s a device that is almost always with you which means you can take your learning everywhere and there are a metric ton of resources to teach you what you need to know. Some learning apps are better than others but they all achieve the same goal of helping you know something you didn’t previously know. There are many taxpayers and students that want to learn about taxes for example, and yes it can be done with the proper tool, but today we have one of the most entertaining ways to do it.
We are talking about an incredible app (or a game if you prefer), launched on the App Store, and called Tax Fight. It is created and designed by Accounting Play (to be more precise, by John Gillingham), a company that created tons of educational and informational products. We loved its friendly user interface and of course, the gameplay.
The Tax Fight game features hilarious characters, online leaderboard where you can check your scores, achievements board, etc. It contains 10 different levels, each one of them created with different tax topics. For example, when you start you will have to choose deductable or non-deductable for the statement given to you and then as you advance, you will have to choose true or false. Also, the topics are focused on individual tax deductions, business tax deductions, and many more.
Get your answers by playing this cool game, download it for free from the App Store and share it with your friends and family.
App Store Download Link: Tax Fight
Originally posted on Hightechholic.