Quitting smoking can be incredibly difficult, but it is ultimately worth the struggle. However, quitting at any stage has proven health benefits. We are here with app StopSmoking that will help you to quit your smoking habit by just playing a game and giving rid of all the expensive products and coaching that were supposed to help you quit this addictive smoking habit

StopSmoking is a mobile game that helps you quit your smoking habit in a funny and interactive way. It will help you minimize the craving for the cigarette and make your attention more towards the healthier thing present around you.

The app is designed on computer-based therapy that works on your biased attention. It’s a running game, which repeatedly tends you to select more positive things and to stay away from smoking related things. In addition, this develops a tendency to stay away from negative things in your everyday life.

The key features include:

· Based on CBM therapy

· If you choose negative things the game would be over

· You can keep tracking your improvements

· You can also track your high score

· It’s free

Available for iOS and android platforms

So don’t miss a second to get for your mobile and don’t worry about any the platforms you are using because its available for every device.

App store download link: StopSmoking

Google play download link: StopSmoking