Fish = Omega-3 fatty acids provide fluidity of cell membranes, which enhances the communication between cells. If a couple of times eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, Moze to improve learning abilities, as well as mood and memory.
Kiwi = Just one kiwi contains more vitamin C than is the recommended daily dose, and this fruit protects the brain from free radicals, which can damage, reduce its function to slow memory and the ability to solve problems.
Almond = phenylalanine is able to cross the border between blood and brain, that stimulates the neurotransmitters dopamine, adrenaline and noradrenaline, which improves mood. Almonds are rich in riboflavin (vitamin B), which helps improve memory.
Dried apricots = Studies in America have shown that large quantities of dried apricots increase neural activity in the left brain hemisphere (responsible for analytical thinking). Therefore, every day you eat a few dried apricots, because vitamin C, which contain increases iron absorption. Moreover, dried apricots have a very beneficial effect on digestion.