In an apartment in America filled with waste, unnecessary work and animal manure, Terry kept 75 dead cats in the freezer. As she said, she did not had the heart to separate from them even after their death. Dead animals were standing in the freezer alongside the food. The television crew also found the bodies of other dead animals in the bathroom packed in plastic bags. She was doing that for years, caring and housing abandoned cats found on the street. Because she couldn't be able to provide a decent life and food, they started dying. "When my first cat died, I put it in the freezer in order to cremate. After that three more died and I did not had money for cremation, saying that quickly after three, the number increased to 75.
"I know I need to bury the dead, but just could not separate from them, I love cats," says Terry.
She describes herself as an animal lover, and every loss is equal to breaking her heart. Feeling guilt about every death.
After six months of therapy and counseling psychologists, she managed to persuade her to clean the house and get rid of the animals. She suffers from a disorder which can not be reconciled to the loss of the animals.