If you can reduce calorie intake you can actually slow down the aging process of the body, and the development of diseases associated with aging. As much as earlier in life you begin with entering fewer categories, the greater will be the effect of better health. Studies have shown that caloric restriction prevents inactivation of one of the key enzymes of aging. This theory is supported by many laboratory tests on different species.

As the bodyweight increases, so the metabolism gets used to the new scale. You can reduce the number of calories, but will be constantly battling feelings of hunger that is created as the body tries to maintain current weight. What is the solution? Do not let a lot to increase its weight. Maintaining a healthy weight means more than good looks - this will allow you to keep good health in the future. Recent studies show, that waist circumference is a major indicator of the occurrence of diabetes, cardiac or other diseases. If you take care for the amount of food you enter, regardless of your age, you will spare the obesity and health problems that accompany it.
It's okay to fail occasionally
Researchers at Harvard say that is completely OK sometimes to afford yourself big meal, but you must not allow it to become habit and became your routine. It is proved that over 80 percent of those who are obese and then took a diet, within a year they returned weight, and even increased. Therefore it is important not to force, and should start gradually reduced meals. Try to change your personal attitude towards food - become aware of all that enter the body. The quality of the diet improves with consumption of healthy seasonal and organic food, but also by entering fewer calories. Start to enjoy food and flavors and always aim to eat as slowly as possible.
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