A female child daycare worker in Ohio was arrested Friday after video emerged of her having sex with an infant. Police in the town of Elyria found footage of Heather Koon ‘engaging in sexual conduct’ with an infant on the 25-year-old’s laptop while investigating her convicted sex offender boyfriend.
Both remained in custody of over the weekend. Meanwhile, the baby’s father says administrators at the daycare center where the unthinkable allegedly occurred first tried to cover it up. As Koon sat behind bars with her boyfriend, James Osborne—whose previous offenses include pandering obscenity involving a minor—the infant’s father was livid over how ABC Kidz initially handled the situation.
‘I still haven't wrapped my mind around it. It's every parent's worst nightmare,’ the baby’s father, who has chosen to remain anonymous, told WOIO. The father claims ABC Kidz was initially vague about what had happened to his baby.
‘They tried to act like it was a simple assault,’ he said. ‘A few hours later they called us back again and asked us to keep it discrete.’
What they didn’t want made public was that at least two babies at the daycare facility were raped.
The footage came to light as investigators searched for Osborne, whose address is listed incorrectly on Lorain County’s sex offender registry. Upon his arrest for the violation, a laptop that ended up belonging to Koon was searched. On it was the evidence, say police. The anonymous father was forced to identify his baby in order to help the investigation.
‘They showed us still photos,’ the father said.
As his family’s nightmare unfolds, the aghast dad is left only with advice to other parents.
‘Any child that's old enough to talk, they should talk to.  Any child that's not old enough to talk should be taken to a physician,’ he warned. Koon and Osborne remained in the Lorain County jail Sunday evening as they waited to see a judge.
ABC Kidz management declined to comment, citing the sensitivity of the ‘ongoing investigation.’