case has raised questions about how the death of a four-year-old boy
went unnoticed for almost two years in a major British city - and why
numerous authorities didn't discover his suffering and resultant death
earlier. The foreman of the jury made clear
that they had convicted her on the basis that she was grossly negligent
by not providing adequate nourishment for Hamzah.
Jurors returned their verdict to a packed court after almost five hours of deliberations. Hutton was remanded in custody and will be sentenced tomorrow by Judge Roger Thomas QC. Hutton, 43, denied killing Hamzah, whose decomposed and insect-infested body was found in a travel cot in her bedroom.
two-week trial heard that his remains had been in the cot for almost
two years when they were found by police searching the house on
September 21, 2011. The little boy had died on December 15, 2009.
jury has heard that Hamzah's body was found in the house in the Heaton
area of the city in terrible squalor, where five other school-aged
siblings were living. Hutton has admitted a charge of child cruelty in respect of each of these children, who were aged between five and 13 in 2011.
told the jury of eight men and four women that Hamzah most probably
died from malnutrition because Hutton neglected him as she concentrated
on her alcohol addiction. The jury found she starved her son to death.
Hutton told the court that she struggled to get her son to eat and he
died suddenly. She claimed she never sought medical advice because she
thought he was going through a phase and would grow out of it. She also said she was worried the other children would be taken away if Hamzah's death was discovered. Hutton has also admitted a charge of preventing the burial of a corpse, along with her eldest son, Tariq, 24.
Tariq, who has not been in court during his mother's trial and is on bail, will also be sentenced tomorrow.
Speaking outside court, Malcolm
Taylor, from the Crown Prosecution Service, said: 'This was a truly
tragic case involving the death of a little boy, Hamzah Khan, whose
body, showing signs of extreme malnutrition, was discovered amidst
scenes of the most appalling squalor at the family home in Bradford.
is likely his body had lain undiscovered for the best part of two
years. It is heart-breaking to contemplate the suffering Hamzah must
have endured.
'This horrific crime was compounded by the failure of either Amanda Hutton or Tariq Khan to arrange the burial of Hamzah's body.
Mr Taylor said: 'Our thoughts remain
with the rest of Hamzah's family in the hope that they can now start to
rebuild their lives.'
Nick Frost, independent chair of Bradford Safeguarding Children Board
(BSCB), said: 'This is a tragic case for everyone involved. 'BSCB
initiated a serious case review following the discovery of Hamzah's
body and the report will be published after the court, coronial and
other necessary procedures are completed.
'The main aim of the report is to make sure all agencies involved learn lessons and change working practices where necessary.
'However, given the refusal of all
offers of help that would be offered to any mother and the lack of
serious concerns raised from any other source, there was limited
involvement from statutory agencies.'
Berry, Bradford Council's executive member for children and young
people, said: 'Hamzah's death is a dreadful tragedy which has shocked
and appalled local people.
'We welcome the serious case review and
its public examination of the circumstances of Hamzah's death. Serious
case reviews lead to learning and action to make children safer, in our
district and across the country.
serious case review will be published following the completion of all
legal processes and at that stage we can comment further.'
Wanless, chief executive of the NSPCC, said: 'This is a stark reminder
that neglect is a form of child abuse as harmful as physical abuse and,
as in this case, can result in a child fatality. 'Fortunately, this type of extreme
case is quite rare but we do know that almost one in 10 children in the
UK are neglected by their parents or carers. 'It is self-evident that something went
seriously wrong for this child. It appears Hamzah disappeared off the
radar of his community and services, and a full picture of the horror
that was his life emerged two years too late.'
Head of safeguarding at Action for
Children Shaun Kelly said: 'Hamzah's is yet another tragic story of a
child who was invisible to society and died at the hands of a parent.
teachers, police officers, social workers and health visitors have told
us about the barriers they face when they want to help a child that
they suspect is being neglected. It seems that people are so afraid of
doing the wrong thing that they don't do anything at all and it all adds
up to a systemic failure to protect the most vulnerable.